

You need a rooted Android HTC or Samsung phone to run rSAP. See more details about supported phones on the compatibility page.

If you have a Samsung Galaxy S II oder Note with Android 4.x ("Ice Cream Sandwich") you can use this installation without root access.


Make Backup!

Before you continue you should make a backup of your phone. The best option is to use the "NAND" backup option from your custom recovery software. The easiest way is to use the "ROM Manager" app to start a backup.



Before you can run the rSAP or rSAP trial app you have to install some system files on your phone. To do that please download the Bluetooth SIM Access Install app from Android Market and open it. You see the following screen:

Press the "Install/Update System Files" button. You will get a question from the Superuser app:

Grant access. If you don't get any error message the system files are successfully installed. Now you can download and install the trial or full version from Android Market!

Some phones (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S) might need a reboot before they can access the SIM card again. Check the reception symbol in the status bar.

If you have a Qualcomm phone please start the rSAP app (trial or full version) and run the SIM check. If you don't see any red error symbols the connection to the car should also work.

If you see an error message with QMI_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED please read here.



Sometimes Android system updates check all system files for consistency, This happens with the Nexus S and the Galaxy Nexus. Please uninstall the rSAP system files before starting the update otherwise it will fail.

Other ROMs like CyanogenMod do not check the system files before update.



You may get the following messages when trying to install the system files:


You must "root" your phone to install the system files. Since this is done differently for each phone please use your favourite internet search engine to find out how to do it.


When you have a HTC phone which is still "S-ON" you can only install the system files using a custom recovery software. When you press "OK" the installer app tries to reboot into the recovery software to finish the installation. Please restart the installer app after the reboot and check the state of the "Uninstall" button. If it is available installation has succeeded.


This is the general error message when something else goes wrong. Please note as much as possible from the error message and visit the installation topic in the support forum. If you cannot find an answer there create a new thread!